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Manual for adding swift-onboarding-sdk to the existing project. UI interface - SwiftUI
Manual for adding swift-onboarding-sdk to the existing project. UI interface - SwiftUI
Written by Leanid Yuryeu
Updated over a week ago
  1. Open the required project and go to the dependency settings: “Project -> Package dependency”

    1.1 Click the “+” (Add package dependency) button.

  2. You will see the “Apple swift packages” window.

    Paste the link in the “Search or Enter Package URL” field.

  3. Xcode will show the settings for adding SDK. Make sure the settings look like this “Dependency rule -> branch : main” and click the “Add package” button.

  4. You will see the library verification window. Wait till the verification ends and click “Add package.”

    The package integration has been completed. Only a few code lines remain to be added to your project!

  5. If you use Interface -> SwiftUI (Point 6) for the project initializing:
    5.1. Open the ContentView file (or wherever you want to add an onboarding launcher: ScreenService).
    5.2 Add to the file header the following:

    import OnboardingiOSSDK

    5.3 Find the structure:

    struct ContentView: View {


    5.4 Add the piece of code to it:

    func startOnboarding() {

    OnboardingService.shared.startOnboarding(projectId: "",

    localJSONFileName: "",

    env: .qa,

    useLocalJSONAfterTimeout: 1.0)

    { onboardingResults in




    5.5 Add a call to the screen constructor:

    var body: some View {

    VStack {

    Image(systemName: "globe")



    Text("Hello, world!")


    .onAppear(perform: startOnboarding)



  6. If you have already obtained an service project, download the json file of your onboarding> project -> onboarding -> json

  7. Drag the file into your Xcode project. After that, a settings window for adding a file will appear.

  8. Select "Copy if needed," "Create groups" and click "Finish."

  9. Add the file name to the onboarding launch function:
    9.1 Open the "ContentView" file (or wherever you want to add an onboarding launcher: ScreenService);
    9.2 Add the name of the json file you have downloaded.

  10. Click the run button, wait for the simulator to launch, and enjoy your first onboarding!

    func downloadRecoucesInSeparateFuncThenShowOnboarding() {
    /// Identifier for the project, specifying the context for the onboarding process.
    let projectId = "0d9a6086-9775-44b6-9888-ae9183d42510"

    /// Name of the local JSON file containing onboarding data. Specifying the correct JSON file name is crucial;
    /// without it, the onboarding process will not be displayed to the user. This ensures that the onboarding experience
    /// is reliably delivered to the user, emphasizing the importance of accurate file naming for a successful onboarding experience.
    let localJSONName = "onboarding-v#1"

    /// Specifies the environment for onboarding. QA (Quality Assurance) is used here over the default .prod (production) environment
    /// for the purpose of testing. It's important to select the appropriate environment to ensure the onboarding process is aligned
    /// with the intended user experience and testing conditions.
    let env = // .prod is the default value

    /// Sets the timeout in seconds to wait for a server response before using the local JSON. This strategy ensures that
    /// the onboarding process can continue smoothly in scenarios of slow or unreliable internet connectivity, highlighting the
    /// use of local JSON as both a primary option and a fallback mechanism.
    let serverResponseTimeoutForLocalJson = 3.0

    /// This is an optional method for optimizing UX; it allows you to download resources in advance so that at the moment of starting the onboarding,
    /// the user does not have to wait for the resources to be downloaded.
    /// To use the results of the downloaded resources, use the paired method:
    /// startPreparedOnboardingWhenReady(projectId: projectId, localJSONFileName: localJSONName, env: env, useLocalJSONAfterTimeout: serverResponseTimeoutForLocalJson)

    // OnboardingService.prepareFullOnboardingFor(projectId: projectId, localJSONFileName: localJSONName) {_ in
    // print("assets has been loaded")
    // }

    /// Initiates the onboarding process with the specified parameters: project ID, local JSON file name, environment, and
    /// server response timeout. The precise naming of the local JSON file is crucial for the successful display of the onboarding,
    /// ensuring that users receive the intended experience even in the absence of server connectivity.
    OnboardingService.shared.startPreparedOnboardingWhenReady(projectId: projectId, localJSONFileName: localJSONName, env: env, useLocalJSONAfterTimeout: serverResponseTimeoutForLocalJson) { [weak self] data in
    switch data {
    case .success(let userInputDict):
    case .failure(let error):

11. To connect analytics, implement the callback created for the transfer of events and user parameters from the SDK to your analytics system.

func catchAnalyticsEvents() {

OnboardingService.shared.userEventListener = {(data, params) in

print("\(data.rawValue) params \(params ?? [:])")

//Amplitude.instance().logEvent(data.rawValue, withEventProperties: params)


OnboardingService.shared.systemEventListener = {(data, params) in

print("\(data.rawValue) params \(params ?? [:])")

//Amplitude.instance().logEvent(data.rawValue, withEventProperties: params)



12. If you want to manage requests for push notifications and ATT, implement the callback.

func requestPermission() {

OnboardingService.shared.permissionRequestCallback = {(screen, permissionType) in

switch permissionType {

case .notifications:

/// implement push notification request


case .ads:

/// implement push trqcking request





13. To enable custom screens, implement the callback for custom screens.

func handleCustomScreen() {

/// You can display your own screens and also use the parameters entered by the user on them for conditional transitions.

/// For example, you can show an authentication screen or a paywall, and pass on which purchase the user selected,

/// and based on that, direct them along the appropriate branch of transitions in the onboarding.

OnboardingService.shared.customFlow = { (screen, navigationController) in

if == "paywall" {

///Initialize your UIViewController

let controller = TestCustomController.instantiateWith(customScreen: screen, inputValue: ["price": "29.99"])

/// Set your controller as the sole controller of the UINavigationController provided by the SDK.

navigationController?.viewControllers = [controller]

controller.dismissalHandler = {(userInputValueForCondition) in

/// After implementing the logic of your controller, you need to call a method that will return screen management to the SDK.

/// You can pass the values obtained on your controller in order to use these values for conditional transitions on the onboarding screen.


OnboardingService.shared.customFlowFinished(customScreen: screen, userInputValue: userInputValueForCondition)





14. If you want to show a paywall outside of onboarding, use this approach.

func showPaywallWithoutOnboarding() {

let projectID = "your_project_id"

let jsonName = "your_json_name"

OnboardingService.shared.paymentService = OnboardingPaymentService(sharedSecret: "835abc10bd3545ad8621fe26095762f6")


let env = envMode()

OnboardingService.shared.getPaywall(paywallId: "screen1", projectId: projectID, localJSONFileName: jsonName, env: .prod, useLocalJSONAfterTimeOut: 20) { [weak self] result in


switch result {

case .success(let paywall):

paywall.closePaywallHandler = { (controller) in

self?.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)


paywall.purchaseHandler = { (controller, receipt) in

self?.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)


self?.navigationController?.pushViewController(paywall, animated: true)

case .failure(let error):




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