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Creating and Editing an onboarding

A better view on how to create a new onboarding and edit it

Written by Leanid Yuryeu
Updated over a week ago

πŸ“’ Before creating a new onboarding:

Please make sure you work in and/or have chosen the correct project you want to proceed with. Please note that the project name is depicted on the left side of the dashboard menu.

How to switch between projects find in the linked article

Otherwise, the created onboardings in one space cannot be transferred or copied to another project since they are not interrelated and function as separate units.

To create an onboarding:

You should click the "+ ADD NEW" button.

A pop-up with several fields to be filled out will appear.

There, you will need to enter information in all fields to proceed since it is an obligatory step to set the required language support in this particular onboarding. Thus, please make sure:

  1. You have entered the onboarding name in the field "Name." Since you can create an unlimited number of onboardings within the project, they should contain a unique name to refer to once testing, designing, or publishing for your app.

  2. You have set a default language from the drop-down menu in the field "Default language." Please note that only one language is to be selected among the offered range in this field since it will be the language in which the whole app is supported.

  3. You have chosen a number of languages in which you want your app to be translated and reflected for your audience in the field "Languages." Here, you may select any number of the needed languages from the drop-down menu only.

Select Onboarding Theme Design

Once this step is completed, please click "Next" in the pop-up and proceed with selecting a theme template for your onboarding by checking the box of your choice. Please note that you may opt for only 1 theme from the presented choice. Meanwhile, they are all customizable per your app needs as well as our team is working on adding new theme templates for selection.

Each theme template contains a number of screens with different unique functionality they possess and tools available for customizing. To proceed with its customizing, please click "Select."

Customize Onboarding Theme design

In this pop-up, you have an opportunity to customize the whole theme template in accordance with the following parameters: Colors, Background, Header Fonts, Table, and Footer.

The detailed information about theme customisation you can find in the linked article

Please note that you may start customizing the selected theme right away or may always return to it in the onboarding dashboard later at any time. Once you are ready, the "Next" button will finish creating a new onboarding. It means that you will be automatically redirected to the onboarding dashboard or map where you can build your Onboarding logic with the screens and establish flow connections between them.

πŸ“£ Please note that on the right upper corner of the onboarding dashboard, you may continue customizing the theme template if required by clicking on the "Settings" icon.

πŸ“£ Please note that changing the theme template parameters implies applying its customization and changes to all screens at once.

If you need to edit or alter the parameters only on one screen, please drag and drop the required screen to the main onboarding panel and click the "Pencil" sign to complete the editing.

If you are ready with working on the onboarding, you should click the Close button in the left upper corner of the dashboard which automatically saves your progress.

Edit, clone, delete Onboarding and check Onboarding's info

Onboarding's info and status

Once returned to the main dashboard of your Onboardings, you will see stats on your created onboarding where you can check the current onboarding status, a list of languages supported there, when it was created, and some other additional actions available under the sign "..."

The "Status" is a crucial indicator of the stage and environment of your iOS app's onboarding process, ranging from development to production.

Learn about onboarding 'Statuses'

Status 'In Development'

  • Newly created onboardings are automatically labeled as "In Development."

  • This stage allows for flexibility in making adjustments to the theme template, constructing the onboarding roadmap, and establishing or editing screen flows.

Status 'Ready for QA'

  • After finalizing the onboarding roadmap and screen flows, the onboarding is prepared for QA testing. How to move onboarding in this status read in the article

  • Once published to QA, no changes are allowed in this version. Necessary alterations require cloning the onboarding for further adjustments.

Status 'Released to Production'

  • Upon thorough testing, the onboarding can be moved to production by clicking "Publish to PROD." More details about publishing onboarding read in the linked article

  • The onboarding then becomes visible to your app's users from the App Store.

Status 'Removed from Production'

  • When an onboarding is replaced in production, its status changes to 'Removed from Production,' indicating it's no longer active.

  • To edit such an onboarding, clone it and commence the editing process.

Status 'A/B Test in Development'

  • Creating an A/B test with an onboarding changes its status to 'A/B Test In Development.' This status is for onboardings involved in A/B testing still under development.

  • Editing is permissible for onboardings in this status. For more information on creating A/B tests, refer to the linked article.

Status 'A/B Test Ready for QA'

  • The onboarding achieves the status "AB test Ready for QA" when A/B test editing is complete and it's ready for the QA team's review. Reach this status by selecting "Publish to QA" in the AB tests tab.

  • In this status, onboardings involved in the A/B test are set for QA testing but are locked from further editing.

  • For detailed instructions on creating and managing A/B tests, refer to the relevant article.

Status 'A/B Test Released to Production'

  • After the completion of A/B test QA testing, you can move the test to the live environment by clicking 'Release to Prod' in the AB tests tab.

  • This action makes the onboardings involved in the A/B test available to your iOS app users from the App Store.

  • Once released to Production, these onboardings are no longer editable.

  • To understand more about A/B test creation and its lifecycle, follow the link to the provided article.

By clicking on the sign "..." with 3 dots, you will see options to clone the existing onboarding, change the onboarding name and its supported languages selected earlier (πŸ“’ note that the default language cannot be changed!), or delete the created onboarding.

'Clone' an Onboarding

  • Selecting the clone option allows you to create a duplicate of your current onboarding.

  • The cloned onboarding will encompass all settings and configurations of the original, including Theme Design, Flow and Structure, Screens UI, and Connections Between Screens.

Onboarding 'Settings'

  • The settings option is accessible only when the onboarding status is "In Development" or "AB test in Development."

  • Within settings, you can: Edit the onboarding name, Modify the list of supported languages (excluding the default language), Alter the theme design settings.

'Delete' an Onboarding

  • The delete option is available only when the onboarding is in the "In Development" or "AB test in Development" status.

  • To remove an unneeded onboarding version, click on "Delete". This will permanently erase that particular version from your project list.

To continue working on the onboarding, just click on the onboarding itself on the main project dashboard, and you will be automatically redirected to its workflow panel.

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