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Screen: Table Single Selection

Check how the screen with the single selection table can work out

Written by Leanid Yuryeu
Updated over a week ago

Screen identification in the theme template

The Screen: Table Single Selection can be easily identified among the presented screens in the theme template on the upper right corner of the onboarding dashboard, as it contains the corresponding title and the table.

The default design of the screen with the Table Single Selection presented in the theme template consists of the following features:

  1. 1 column selection list

  2. Colored selection fields

  3. Small images placed on the left side of the selection bar with Title

  4. Only one/single bar can be selected from the list!

  5. No checkboxes

List of parameters presented in Screen: Table Single Selection

  • Background

  • Basic Configuration

  • Navigation Bar

  • Title

  • Subtitle

  • 1 Column Table

  • Footer Button

πŸ“’ Please note that all parameters can be customized and switched off or on depending on your app design.

Here, you may see where these parameters are displayed in the screen precisely.

Screen peculiarities and functions

1. Selection fields quantity:

The main screen function with 1 Column Table is that all answers are displayed in the form of a list. Thus, you may add as many selection fields as needed per your app purposes since its quantity is not limited.

⚠️ Please note the more selection fields are added, the more actions are required for the user to scroll the page down or up!

2. Title/Subtitle parameters display with the Table

To save some space in the screen, you may also work with the text lines by removing Title or Subtitle parameters or even both. To remove those parameters, the text itself should be deleted in the corresponding parameter field below:

Please see below the screen design in such cases:

No Title


No Subtitle

No Title

No Subtitle

3. Table design

The selection fields can be customized differently as well by installing the needed format as presented in the list below:

⚠️ The option to change the selection field design is located in the Table parameter. Customization is possible only within the formats presented on the drop-down menu.

Please study how the selection field design changes in the screen in the preview below:

Selection List Design



The design implies the presence of the image set on the first place on the left side of the selection bar and then the Title as an answer to be composed.

The image can be added in the following ways:

  1. You should insert the needed Image URL or choose one from the assets.

  2. You may upload an image or photo from your device by clicking the Camera sign.

  3. You can generate the image with the AI Generator in the settings:

πŸ“’ Just remember to specify as precise description for the needed image as possible.

πŸ“’ Image AI Generator offers 12 images for selection at once. Note that you may re-generate them if none suitable is found.

3. See how the chosen image can be reflected in the selection field in the preview and adjust with the corresponding setting to fit the app design. The settings are placed in the Table parameter in the Settings sign:


The design implies putting the image in the first place, then adding the Title as an answer to select, and providing the Subtitle as a comment on the answer in question.

πŸ“’ Please note even the presence of such a function as Subtitle in the Table parameter is only up to your discretion.


This selection field design allows to enter only text in the selection bar.


The main focus in this selection field design is made on the Title, or the text displayed for the user to consider, and the Image located on the right side of the selection bar.


The selection field is composed of the main Title and supplied with the Subtitle. Please note that visually the selection bar becomes larger in size as well as the text size differs.


The design implies putting the text in the first place as the Title, supplying it with the commentary in the form of the Subtitle field, and supporting the selection bar with the Image on the right side.

4. Table Settings

The settings in the Screen with Table Single Selection totally coincide with the setting of the Screen with Multiple Selection Table. The main customization takes place in the Settings of the Table parameter where you can work with the Table design, set the colors, text fonts and size, work with the selection bar size and color.

The Table parameter contains the settings for the selection bar size and design, the image (if displayed in the chosen table design), customization of the selected bar, table items alignment, text settings (separately for the Title and the Subtitle).

To learn more details about the way the Screens work and what functionality they obtain, please study the following article Onboarding Screen Template, or ask our team if there are any additional questions.

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