In the previous article, we discussed how to create and update a link with Web2App onboarding; in this article, let's look at the basic settings for your Web2App onboarding link: their impact, and how to configure them.
Web Link Name
This is a mandatory field for internal use and is displayed in analytics. It's not visible to users. You can enter any character set.
'Redirect To' (Redirect URL)
This optional field allows you to define the URL to which users will be redirected after completing the onboarding (for example, a link to your iOS app or a payment link). If left blank, users will return to the start of the onboarding sequence (to the first screen).
URL Alias
This field appears in your web link after the main domain name. By default, an automatic name is assigned.
To edit, simply check the box and enter your chosen alias. Note that it must be longer than 3 characters, with no spaces or special characters.
Each web link in your project must have a unique alias. If a duplicate alias is entered, an error message will appear.
HTML Title
Affects the page title displayed to the user in the browser, search engine, or advertising banner. The default is automatically assigned the name 'Web onboarding online', but you can customize it.
To set the title, check the box and enter your title.
HTML Description
This is a brief description of your web page's content. It is used by search engine algorithms to determine relevance and to form page snippets.
To set the description, check the box and enter your description.
This description is not displayed on the page itself and is not visible to users; it's inserted into the HTML head.
These basic settings affect how your link with Web2App onboarding will appear to the user, in the advertising banner, and in search engines.