In this guide we tailor how to insert Google Tag manager script in your anlyics for regular tracking and cookies policies purposes.
Add GTM script for Tracking without Cookies policies:
Step 1: Find the Google Tag manager code
Google Tag Manager provides the exact code and instructions on where to add it to your website.
To find it go to Admin > Account > Container > Install Google Tag Manager
You will see the screen with script:
Step 2: Insert the script in the Onboarding Online form
Follow the google tag instructions and psate that scripts in 'head' and 'body' sections accordingly.
Click on 'Add Web analytics':
Add Google analytics for Tracking with Cookies policies:
Step 1: Get the GTM ID
To find it go to Admin > Account > Container
Copy the ID
Step 2: Insert the GTM ID in the Cookies check script
Click on 'Use Cookies Check'
The needed script will be added automatically:
Replace YOUR_GA_ID in all places in the script with your MEASUREMENT ID, that you have copied:
Click on Add Web Analtitycs
Don't forget to Update your Web Onboarding